Physical Therapy for Football Injuries

football player

Football has one of the highest sports-injury rates in the U.S., particularly among children and teens under the age of 18. Fortunately, most football-related injuries do not require surgery. In fact, physical therapy is often recommended as the first course of treatment to manage pain, restore function, and regain strength. Even in those cases where surgery is needed, post-surgical rehabilitation with a sports physical therapist is the key to healing and recovery.

If you, your child or teen is suffering from a football-related injury, Capital Area PT can help you get back on the gridiron. Our physical therapists offer comprehensive rehabilitation programs for football players, including hands-on manual therapy, pain management, taping and bracing techniques, and sport-specific training and conditioning.

Common Football Injuries

Football is an incredibly physical, high-impact sport, so it’s no surprise that injuries are common. Risk is increased when athletes fail to properly warm up and cool down, use ill-fitting protective equipment, lack training in technique and mechanics, or resume play before an injury has fully healed. However, football injuries can also occur simply from intense activity and overuse, or as a result of the blocking, tackling, running and throwing that is inherent in the sport. Common football injuries include:

  • Ankle sprains
  • ACL & MCL tears
  • Concussions
  • Patellar Tendinitis
  • Hamstring Strains
  • Achilles Tendinitis & Tears
  • Calf Strains
  • Turf Toe
  • Shoulder Injuries
  • Low Back Pain

Physical Therapy for Football Injuries

Our sports physical therapists help football athletes regain strength and range of motion, while managing pain and minimizing the risk of future injury. After evaluating the injured area and performing a series of tests to assess pain and function, we create a customized treatment program based on the individual.

We may use ice, heat and hands-on manual therapy to manage swelling and reduce pain and inflammation, and progress to football-specific strengthening, stretching and conditioning exercises to restore strength and range of motion. We also provide instruction on taping or bracing, when applicable, and include education on proper form and technique for a player’s position to reduce the risk of future injuries.

Schedule a PT Appointment

Capital Area PT offers physical therapy for football players of all levels, from youth sports to professional athletes. To make a physical therapy appointment in Malta, Saratoga Springs, Delmar or Queensbury NY, please call (518) 289-5242.