Physical Therapy for Women’s Wellness

At Capital Area Physical Therapy & Wellness, we are proud to offer a variety of physical therapy services focused specifically on women’s health and wellness. Our practitioners are trained and committed to addressing a wide range of women-specific health concerns.

We recognize the unique needs and experiences of women and tailor our interventions to provide the personalized care and support that every woman deserves at all stages of life.

Physical Therapy During Pregnancy and Postpartum

A woman’s body changes tremendously during pregnancy – and with those changes can come some potential challenges and discomforts. A physical therapist can be a valuable member of your healthcare team both during pregnancy and postpartum. Pelvic floor physical therapy can be a tremendous help to women when it comes to relieving discomfort during pregnancy and recovering from childbirth.

Treating The Female Athlete Triad

Disordered eating, amenorrhea and osteoporosis can be devastating for young female athletes. At Capital Area Physical Therapy & Wellness, we are dedicated to preventing and treating these conditions so our patients can stay physically active and emotionally healthy from adolescence to old age!

Physical Therapy for Incontinence, Menopause and Fibromyalgia

Many women think that incontinence is just something they have to live with – but that’s not true! With pelvic floor physical therapy, women can make great strides towards relieving incontinence and regaining their confidence! The same is true for symptoms of menopause. If you’re looking to ease some of the side effects of this life transition, women’s physical therapy can help!

And, if you’re suffering from musculoskeletal pain caused by fibromyalgia, physical therapy can be hugely beneficial in relieving your discomfort, helping you to reduce stiffness and fatigue. From massage to stretches and range of motion exercises, we can help you improve your quality of life.

Take The First Step Towards Feeling Better Today!

Our comprehensive approach to women’s physical therapy aims to empower women at all stages of life, no matter what physical challenges they are facing.

Ready to find relief with personalized, female-focused physical therapy from highly trained specialists? Look no further than Capital Area Physical Therapy & Wellness! Contact us today to schedule an appointment!