
By Nick Darrow SPT

At physical therapy treatment sessions, patients are working hard and exerting themselves in order to get better. It’s important to understand how nutrition and hydration play a major role in the outcomes of our patients. There are also many other benefactors to eating more nutritious foods and hydrating properly.

Benefits of proper nutrition

  1. Adequate fuel for exercise – this allows for the body to use the nutrients from the healthy foods as a fuel source pre-, during, and post-exercise.
  2. Will help with overall energy levels throughout the day – having a good nutrition plan allows for the body to be able to store and use those nutrients throughout the day.
  3. Increased properties of healing – increasing the amount of protein in your diet will make it easier for your body to heal itself by giving it the proper nutrients.
  4. Can help decrease the likelihood of diseases – by eating foods higher in dietary fiber, you can decrease your risk of developing diseases such as heart disease, colon cancer, and Type 2 diabetes.

Benefits of proper hydration

  1. Being adequately hydrated before exercise decreases the risk of developing headaches, disorientation, nausea and vomiting, and muscle cramps during exercise.
  2. Allows for more blood flow to working muscles.
  3. Helps improve sleep quality and organ functionality.
  4. Properly regulates core body temperature and helps deliver nutrients to cells.

What does this all mean? Well, for the best outcomes after surgery or an injury it is best to fuel the body with the right nutrients to promote healing and to keep hydrated so the body can regulate everything and get the nutrients where they need to go.


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